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Northern Isles- Yell

Our next destination was the Island of Yell. This part of our travels was as much about people as place. We met with Shona Skinner at the Shetland Gallery, and Andy Ross at Global Yell, both in Sellafirth. I had recently been introduced, online, to Shona Skinner, artist and owner of the Shetland Gallery in Yell. Shona had just returned to Shetland after teaching at the Grampians Texture event in Hall's Gap, Australia, where I taught last year. It's a small and wonderful world!

By |April 20th, 2017|Categories: Blog|2 Comments

Northern Isles- Unst

Last week included a visit to the northern Shetland islands of Yell and Unst, with visiting friend Cinnamon, and my cousin, Carol. Different work pieces aligned to make the full day trip possible. We went straight to Unst, planning to work our way down slowly. Unst is the most northerly inhabited island in the United Kingdom, with only 700 residents, it is rugged and remote. The island feels open, spacious and wild. Good for roaming and thinking.

By |April 12th, 2017|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Northern Isles- Unst